George Floyd 2020 Protests

In May 2020, a man named George Floyd was murdered by the police. Protestors lined the streets of cities across the U.S. and eventually the world, sparking one of the largest civil rights movements in American history – and some of the most beautiful examples of people stepping up and transcending incredible divides during one of the darkest moments of our times. Here are just some of those amazing stories.

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Black Lives Matter Organizers Save Counter-Protester Who Was Being Trampled

"Asked why, an organizer carrying the man in the photo – Patrick Hutchinson – simply replied: “We did what we had to do.”’


Mitt Romney Walks With BLM, Making Him the First Republican Senator to Do So

“My father [participated] in a Civil Rights march in the Detroit suburbs during the late 1960s—“Force alone will not eliminate riots,” he said. “We must eliminate the problems from which they stem.”

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Despite The Fact His Business Burned Down During The Protests, This Man Helped Medics Treat Protesters

“We grew up in a traumatic police state, so I‘m familiar with this type of situation,” Ruhel Islam of the Gandhi Mahal restaurant in Minneapolis said. “We can rebuild a building, but we cannot rebuild a human.”

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White Neighbors Kneel Apologizing to African-Americans for Racism

“Father God we asked for forgiveness from our black brothers and sisters for years and years of racism.”

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Man With Swastika Shows Support For BLM

“He took his shirt off and came to our group screaming at the top of is lungs, “I SUPPORT THIS. YOU MATTER. I SUPPORT THIS.” This man broke his barriers and left his old thoughts behind and removed his shirt to show how jaded he has been and came to support the movement.”

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A Michigan County Sheriff Took Off His Riots Gear To Join Protesters

“We’re on the community’s side. All we had to do was talk to them and now we’re walking with them. Everybody wins. The cops in this community, we condemn what happened. That guy’s not one of us. You have police officers here that do it everyday for the right reasons,” said Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson. “We’re going to get back on the hero platform and treat people right. Give people a voice.”

Police Chief Helps Protestors Carry Banner In Solidarity

“In Camden, NJ, protestors took to the streets to peacefully protest racial injustice. When police saw them marching, they made a decision. They decided to join them. The Camden Police Chief himself joined today's protest. He even helped carry the banner.”